
My visitor & resident map is currently what I am using right now for platforms. It is colour coded as listed:

Pink Blocks: Used most often, daily

Green Blocks: Used moderately, weekly

Yellow Blocks: Used once in a while, a few times a month.

This exercise surprisingly was a challenge just to remember what platforms I am currently using. It is a lot more than I originally thought when I began creating it, and there are definitely some websites I am forgetting to include. Additionally, it took a lot of consideration when it came to the placement of some of the blocks. For example, Facebook: I used to post on it everyday 8 years ago, but now I never post. I still check in once in awhile for entertainment (and of course marketplace for shopping), and have it for one of my jobs (where I receive my schedule and any work updates). I decided to stick it in the middle cause it seemed to fit in with every section.

As for PLN expansion, there are a few platforms I personally could consider. I believe it was mentioned previously on my blog, but for one of my courses we created an online E-portfolio. On this portfolio, I have my work and volunteer experience, course work, certifications, teaching philosophy etc. It’s a great well rounded way to present myself- but doesn’t allow for any type of connection with others. That’s where I think creating a LinkedIn might come in handy as it adds that layer of connection to others on a professional platform. I also think creating a “work” twitter would also be a good idea when becoming a teacher, as I believe there is a huge community on there.

I did a clean of my social medias earlier this year. I definitely had a few things posted from when I was younger that weren’t necessarily harmful, rather more embarrassing per say. I certainly think it’s essential to do a clean out of your social medias as it can definitely be harmful when it comes to applying for jobs. Its’s good to have a sense of self awareness and present yourself in a professional manner. This will only work to serve your future self, and any potential career opportunities well.